Spring | Summer 2023

Armadillos to Ziziphus

A Naturalist in the Texas Hill Country

David M. Hillis, Harry W. Greene

Astros and Asterisks

Houston's Sign-Stealing Scandal Explained

Jonathan Silverman

Before Writing, Vol. I

From Counting to Cuneiform

Denise Schmandt-Besserat

The Capitalist and the Critic

J. P. Morgan, Roger Fry, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Charles Molesworth

Channeling Knowledges

Water and Afro-Diasporic Spirits in Latinx and Caribbean Worlds

Rebeca L. Hey-Colón

The Comitán Valley

Sculpture and Identity on the Maya Frontier

Caitlin C. Earley

Contar historias

Escritura creativa en el aula

Gabriela Polit Dueñas

Danger Pay

Memoir of a Photojournalist in the Middle East, 1984-1994

Carol Spencer Mitchell, Ellen Spencer Susman


Roberto Burle Marx and Public Landscapes under Dictatorship

Catherine Seavitt Nordenson

Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Animals of Big Bend

Cindi Sirois Collins, Asher Elbein, Julius Csotonyi

Labors of Fear

The Modern Horror Film Goes to Work

Aviva Briefel, Jason Middleton

Managed Migrations

Growers, Farmworkers, and Border Enforcement in the Twentieth Century

Cristina Salinas

Nested Ecologies

A Multilayered Ethnography of Functional Medicine

Rosalynn A. Vega

Pitching Democracy

Baseball and Politics in the Dominican Republic

April Yoder

Predatory Economies

The Sanema and the Socialist State in Contemporary Amazonia

Amy Penfield

A Pure Solar World

Sun Ra and the Birth of Afrofuturism

Paul Youngquist

Quantum Criminals

Ramblers, Wild Gamblers, and Other Sole Survivors from the Songs of Steely Dan

Alex Pappademas, Joan LeMay

A Rainbow of Gangs

Street Cultures in the Mega-City

James Diego Vigil

Reclaiming the Americas

Latinx Art and the Politics of Territory

Tatiana Reinoza

Resurrecting Tenochtitlan

Imagining the Aztec Capital in Modern Mexico City

Delia Cosentino, Adriana Zavala

Roots of Resistance

A Story of Gender, Race, and Labor on the North Coast of Honduras

Suyapa G. Portillo Villeda


Defining Historical Eras in Ancient Roman Thought

Paul Hay

Selling Science Fiction Cinema

Making and Marketing a Genre

J. P. Telotte

Shifting Sands

Landscape, Memory, and Commodities in China's Contemporary Borderlands

Xiaoxuan Lu

Super Bodies

Comic Book Illustration, Artistic Styles, and Narrative Impact

Jeffrey A. Brown


Sexuality, Fantasy, and the Superhero

Anna Peppard

The Thirty-first of March

An Intimate Portrait of Lyndon Johnson

Horace Busby

The Value Gap

Female-Driven Films from Pitch to Premiere

Courtney Brannon Donoghue

We Are All Armenian

Voices from the Diaspora

Aram Mrjoian