Journals Orders

Subscriptions and Single Issue Purchases

To subscribe to a journal or purchase individual issues, order through the cart links on individual journal pages, or contact journals customer service.

Note: Once an order has been processed, refunds will not be issued nor returns accepted.

Journals price list

Single Article Purchases

Single article purchases are available for all journals, except The Textile Museum Journal and Journal of Latin American Geography.

Address Changes

If you need to update the mailing address where you receive your journal, please contact journals customer service.

Missing an Issue?

First, check our list of current journal issues; the issue may simply be delayed in publication. If it’s been published for some time and you haven’t received it, please contact journals customer service.

Shipping Terms and Conditions

Domestic subscriptions are shipped USPS. Canadian and foreign subscriptions are shipped via air mail.

Subscription agents receive a 3% discount off the institutional rate. The discount does not apply to Canadian and International postage.

Once an order has been processed, refunds will not be issued nor returns accepted.

INSTITUTIONAL RATES apply to subscriptions ordered or paid for by libraries, schools, academic departments, government agencies and businesses.

INDIVIDUAL RATES apply to subscriptions ordered by individuals for personal use and must be paid for by check or credit card.

STUDENT RATES apply to subscriptions ordered by students (send copy of current student photo ID) and must be paid for by check or credit card.

If you have any questions please contact us:

Christopher Farmer, Journals Manager
Elizabeth Locke, Journals Customer Service
Gloria Castillo, Rights & Permissions
Karen Broyles, Production Editor
Stacey Salling, Production Editor