US Latina and Latino Oral History Journal

US Latina and Latino Oral History Journal
Enter the journal volume and issue numbers in the available fields. See Recent Issues tab for journal details.
Journal Information
- ISSN: 2574-0180
- eISSN: 2574-0180
ANNUAL · 6 x 9 · 128 PAGES/ISSUE · ISSN 2574-0180 · E-ISSN 2574-0199
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, Editor
The US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal is a research publication created to mine, showcase, and promote the rich field of oral history as it relates specifically to the US Latina and Latino experience. Manuscripts are blind peer-reviewed and represent best practices of oral history and the highest research standards. The University of Texas Press publishes the journal for the Voces Oral History Project at the university's School of Journalism. Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, UT professor of journalism, is the journal’s founding editor.
Recent Issues
Volume 8, 2024
From Strangers to Community Members: The Settlement Experiences of Mexican American Farmworkers in Michigan
by Yoshira D. Macías Mejía and Rubén Martinez
Disruption and Connection: Place, Oral History, and Latino-Black Race Relations in Durham, NC
by Sarah Isabel Waugh
Foto-Voz: A Secondary Process to Discover the Stories inside the Images in Oral History Projects
by Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez and Carlo Javier Byrd
Notes from the Community: Grassroots Community Oral History Archiving
by Lorena V. Márquez
Pathways in Oral History: Fanny Julissa García
Foro: The Chicagolandia Oral History Project
by Antonio Ramirez, Max Krochmal, and Stephen J. Pitti
Volume 7, 2023
The 1970 Uvalde School Walkout
by Vinicio Sinta and Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez
The Coral Way “Experiment”: Building an Archive to Unravel the Beginnings of the First Publicly Funded Spanish-English Dual Language Program in the United States
by Brittany Kester, Maria Coady, and Bess de Farber
Notes from the Community: Dallas Mexican American Historical League
by Rosemary Valtierra Hinojosa
Pathways in Oral History: Yolanda Chávez Leyva
by Editors
Pathways in Oral History: Paul Ortiz
Volume 6, 2022
“Screw the Pandemic, I Had to Show Up”: Latino/a Experience and Racial Activism during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Vincent C. Peña and Dominique Valle
“We Need to Be Human”: Using Oral Histories of Latino/a Staff and Faculty to Examine Neoliberalism in the Age of COVID-19
by Jackie Pedota
Exploring the Latino COVID Experience through Oral Histories: Stories to Inform Research
by Marisol Daniela McDaniel, Alejandra Gutierrez, and Claire Harper
Notes from the Community: Centro Cultural Aztlán
by Malena Gonzalez-Cid
Pathways in Oral History: Paul Ortiz
Volume 5, 2021
La primera línea: Latina/o Frontline Health Workers during COVID-19’s First US Wave
by Dana Yarak and Beatrix Hoffman
In the Shadows of the Health-Care City: Historicizing Trans Latinx Immigrant Experiences during the Coronavirus Pandemic
by Daniela Valdes
A Voice for Immigrants: Latino Activism, Testimonial Practices, and Public Catholicism in Indianapolis
by Ethan Sharp
“Cities for People, Not for Profit”: Gentrification and Housing Activism in Bushwick
by Cynthia Tobar
Notes from the Community: Preserving Activist Community Memory in the Pacific Northwest: Chicana/o Movement in Washington State History Project and Oral Histories: Chicano and Latinx History in Social Context of Seattle and Washington State
by Oscar Rosales Castañeda
Pathways in Oral History: Mireya Loza
Submission information for authors
The US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to research about the country’s Latina/o population, and which relies on oral history as an essential methodology. The journal seeks to create new knowledge and push the frontiers of research about the Latina and Latino experience in the United States. All articles must be original: neither published nor under review elsewhere. The journal is published by the University of Texas Press, in partnership with the Voces Oral History Project, at the UT School of Journalism.
Professional Oral History Standards
Oral history interviews cited in submitted manuscripts must conform to the established best professional standards, including:
- The interviews cited must have been recorded and deposited in an established repository.
- Each oral history interview must have a consent form, a copy of which must be provided to the journal if the manuscript is selected for publication.
- Length: Manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages (excluding notes, tables, or illustrations).
Standing Features
Each issue will include standing features that provide readers with a broad range of exposure to best practices in the field of Latina/o oral history. To that end, each issue will include:
Q & A with the Experts
The journal seeks to learn from scholars who have made substantial contributions to the field. To that end, Yale history professor Stephen Pitti will interview established scholars who have used oral history in their research on the Latina/o experience, exploring how they have worked, how they have thought about oral history and its relationship to other disciplines and approaches, and where they see the field going.
Notes from the Community
The journal’s editorial board recognizes that important oral history is being conducted outside of university and college campuses. University of Texas at Austin history professor Emilio Zamora will edit this feature. The journal solicits articles that address oral history work in community settings. Submissions must include information on the number of interviews, what types of finding aids are available (transcripts, indexes, etc.), the names of organizers, interviewee selection methods, recording formats, storage and access policies, classification system, and how the work impacts their community. Efforts may include university and community partnerships to recover local histories, high school initiatives, community centers preparing local histories, teachers developing and implementing lesson plans and promoting self-awareness, genealogy groups using oral narratives to supplement their archival materials, senior centers using oral history as therapy, among others. Essays should not exceed 2,000 words and should abide by the Chicago Manual of Style. For more information on Notes from the Community, please contact Emilio Zamora at
Spotlight on an Oral History Archive
Each issue of the journal will visit a different oral history archive/project/collection and evaluate it according to the best professional standards of the field. This feature will be edited by the librarians on the editorial board: Christian Kelleher (University of Houston); Kristine Navarro-McElhaney (Arizona State University); and Roberto Trujillo (Stanford University).
Book Reviews
The journal will also publish reviews of books on the Latina/o experience that incorporate oral history as a central methodology.
Manuscript Requirements:
- Style: The US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, notes and bibliography system. For more information, please see:
- Articles must be double-spaced, 12-point type, including endnotes.
- Research manuscripts are blind refereed by a minimum of two readers; the review process typically takes three months. Manuscripts should be submitted via email as Microsoft Word documents.
Additional submission information, suggestions, and questions should be directed to the Managing Editor, US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal at:
Peer-Review Process and Publication Ethics
The editor and editorial board of US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal are committed to the following:
- We will make our best efforts to ensure that our peer-review processes and editorial decisions are fair and unbiased, and that manuscripts are judged solely on their merits by individuals with appropriate levels of expertise in the subject area.
- We have the right to reject a manuscript at any point in the process if, after an unbiased evaluation, it is the opinion of the editor(s) that it does not align with the journal’s mission or editorial policies or would be in conflict with the journal’s legal requirements.
- Submitted manuscripts will be handled as confidential documents and we will not share information about them with anyone outside the editorial staff, editorial board, potential reviewers, or the publisher.
- We expect transparency on the part of editors and reviewers regarding potential conflicts of interest and will assign manuscripts to individuals who are not expected to have such conflicts.
- We expect authors to help us uphold our ethical standards by
- submitting only original works;
- respecting the intellectual property rights of others;
- adhering to the journal’s policies regarding simultaneous submissions;
- acknowledging sources;
- appropriately crediting all authors, other research participants, and funding sources;
- disclosing any potential conflicts of interest; and
- notifying the editors and/or publisher of any significant errors discovered after submission or publication.
- We will investigate any credible allegation of unethical or illegal practices related to an article we have published. When warranted, we will issue corrections, retractions, and/or apologies, working with the author(s) as appropriate to find the best resolution.
- Concerns may be reported directly to the editor(s) or publisher by email at
Published Annually
Advertising Rates
Full Page: $300.00
Half Page Horizontal: $250.00
Agency Commission: 15%
Mechanical Requirements
Full Page: 4.5 x 7.5 in.
Half Page: 4.5 x 3.75 in.
Trim Size: 6 x 9 in.
Halftones: 300 dpi
Issue | Reservations | Artwork |
October | July 15 | August 1 |
Acceptance Policy
All advertisements are limited to material of scholarly interest to our readers. If any advertisement is inappropriate, we reserve the right to decline it.
- All copy is subject to editorial approval.
- Publisher’s liability for error will not exceed cost of space reserved.
- If requested, all artwork will be returned to advertiser.
- Invoices and tear sheets will be issued shortly after journal publication.
- We prefer to have ads as Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
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