Course Essentials on Latinx & Chicanx Studies

Our most-adopted and award-winning books in Latinx and Chicanx Studies are listed below, featuring classics from Cynthia E. Orozco, Felipe Hinojosa, Philis Barragán Goetz, Francisco J. Galarte, and more. Enjoy 30% off and free domestic shipping on course essentials for Latinx and Chicanx studies with discount code UTXLATINX during checkout on our website! This offer expires June 1, 2024.

Instructor Copies

Qualified instructors who are teaching a University of Texas Press book may request a physical desk copy, and qualified instructors who are evaluating a text for potential course use may request a digital examination copy to examine for 90 days. For instructors in Canada, please submit your request through UBC Press here. For instructors in the United Kingdom or Europe, please order desk copies through Combined Academic Publishers, Ltd.

If you’re an instructor or student and want to ask about a specific book, send us an email at!

Reverberations of Racial Violence

Critical Reflections on the History of the Border

Sonia Hernández, John Morán González

The Mexican American Experience in Texas

Citizenship, Segregation, and the Struggle for Equality

Martha Menchaca

Apostles of Change

Latino Radical Politics, Church Occupations, and the Fight to Save the Barrio

Felipe Hinojosa

Reading, Writing, and Revolution

Escuelitas and the Emergence of a Mexican American Identity in Texas

Philis Barragán Goetz

Civil Rights in Black and Brown

Histories of Resistance and Struggle in Texas

Max Krochmal, Todd Moye

Brown Trans Figurations

Rethinking Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Chicanx/Latinx Studies

Francisco J. Galarte

Chican@ Artivistas

Music, Community, and Transborder Tactics in East Los Angeles

Martha Gonzalez

Sunbelt Diaspora

Race, Class, and Latino Politics in Puerto Rican Orlando

Patricia Silver

meXicana Fashions

Politics, Self-Adornment, and Identity Construction

Aída Hurtado, Norma E. Cantú

Quinceañera Style

Social Belonging and Latinx Consumer Identities

Rachel Valentina González

Sí, Ella Puede!

The Rhetorical Legacy of Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers

Stacey K. Sowards

Sí, Ella Puede!

The Rhetorical Legacy of Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers

Stacey K. Sowards

Chicana Movidas

New Narratives of Activism and Feminism in the Movement Era

Dionne Espinoza, María Eugenia Cotera, Maylei Blackwell

Flying Under the Radar with the Royal Chicano Air Force

Mapping a Chicano/a Art History

Ella Maria Diaz

A Promising Problem

The New Chicana/o History

Carlos Kevin Blanton

Entre Guadalupe y Malinche

Tejanas in Literature and Art

Inés Hernández-Ávila, Norma E. Cantú

Queer Brown Voices

Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism

Uriel Quesada, Letitia Gomez, Salvador Vidal-Ortiz

Border Contraband

A History of Smuggling across the Rio Grande

George T. Díaz

[Un]framing the "Bad Woman"

Sor Juana, Malinche, Coyolxauhqui, and Other Rebels with a Cause

Alicia Gaspar de Alba

¡Chicana Power!

Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement

Maylei Blackwell

Our Lady of Controversy

Alma López's “Irreverent Apparition”

Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Alma López

Quixote's Soldiers

A Local History of the Chicano Movement, 1966–1981

David Montejano

A Tortilla Is Like Life

Food and Culture in the San Luis Valley of Colorado

Carole M. Counihan

No Mexicans, Women, or Dogs Allowed

The Rise of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement

Cynthia E. Orozco

Fertile Matters

The Politics of Mexican-Origin Women's Reproduction

Elena R. Gutiérrez


Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America

William Anthony Nericcio

With Her Machete in Her Hand

Reading Chicana Lesbians

Catrióna Rueda Esquibel

Apple Pie and Enchiladas

Latino Newcomers in the Rural Midwest

Ann V. Millard, Jorge Chapa

Felix Longoria's Wake

Bereavement, Racism, and the Rise of Mexican American Activism

Patrick J. Carroll, José E. Limón