Find journal articles and authors from recent issues of Studies in Latin American Popular Culture below.
Volume 40, 2022
- “Times of Extreme Broadcasting”: Argentine Socialism and Mass Culture during the Rise of Commercial Radio (1920-1945)
by Javier Guiamet
- “Cuando yo quiera has de volver”: Configuraciones de masculinidad y feminidad en las canciones de Juan Gabriel para Rocío Dúrcal
by Julio Uribe Ugalde
- Body as Text: Challenging Marginalized Identities through Literary Performance in Contemporary Brazilian Saraus
by Annie Gibson
- Old Gringo y la frontera filmica de Carlos Fuentes
by Marcos Pico Rentería
- También la lluvia y Altiplano: Trauma transgeneracional y renegociación histórica en un contexto transcultural
by Lucía Garvito
- Suspenso en el noticiero: Representación de la guerrilla en Canal 10 Córdoba, Argentina, 1970-1977
by Cynthia Tompkins
- La perpetuación de la problemática racial con el uso del romance interracial como intertexto metafórico entre la novela Sab y la telenovela La esclava blanca
by Valérie Benoist
- The Tyrannical Mother in Mexican Telenovelas
by Julie Tate
- El juego de la vida, o cómo Televisa imaginó la pasión femenina por el futbol mexicano
by Alejandro González Landeros
Book Reviews and Review Essays
- ¡Una historia temprana del crimen organizado en los corridos de Ciudad Juárez, by Juan Carlos Ramírez-Pimienta
Reviewed by Martin Mulligan
- A History of Boxing in Mexico: Masculinity, Modernity and Nationalism, by Stephen D. Allen
Reviewed by Daniel J. Nappo
- Narcotransmisiones: Neoliberalismo e hiperconsumo en la era del #narcopop, edited by Danilo Santos, Ainhoa Vásquez, and Ingrid Urgelles
Reviewed by Catalina Gallardo Arenas
- Cultural Nationalism and Ethnic Music in Latin America, edited by William H. Beezley
Reviewed by Christine J. Fernández
- In Search of the Sacred Book: Religion and the Contemporary Latin American Novel, by Aníbal González
Reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon
- Portraits in the Andes: Photography and Agency 1900-1950, by Jorge Coronado
Reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon
Volume 39, 2021
- Zombies as Temporal Critique: Sudor frío (2010) and Generations of Youth in Post-dictatorship Argentina
by Charles St-Georges
- “Glope, não!”: Twenty-First-Century Brazilian Songs of Protest
by Ligia Bezerra
- Cuerpo, memoria y empatía: Procesos de creación colectiva en torno a la figura de Violeta Parra
by M Paz Brozas y Miguel Vicente
- Ex-voto: Folk, Outsider, Transnational—Debating Definitions
by Lorella Di Gregorio
- Gendered Figure Lighting, Artifice, and Realism in Rosaura a las diez
by Matt Losada
- Víctor Gaviria’s Mujer del animal and the Banality of Violence against Women
by Aldona Bialowas Pobutsky
- Contigo en la distancia: Colombia, Galicias y el necocio narco entre la realidad y la ficcíon; entre el humor y el dramatismo
by Sabrina S. Laroussi
- La realidad que triunfa sobre la forma: La novela negra en Mario Mendoza, Lady Masacre
by Adriana Sara Jastrzebska
- White Subjectivity and Black Nationalism in José Muñoz and Carlos Sampayo’s Alack Sinner Comic “Vietblues” (1975)
by Christopher Conway
Book Reviews and Review Essays
- ¡Destape! Sex, Democracy, and Freedom in Postdictorial Agrentina, by Natalia Milanesio
Reviewed by Maria Cecilia Saenz-Roby
- Hollywood in Havanna: US Cinema and Revolutionary Nationalism in Cuba before 1959, by Megan Feeney
Reviewed by Matthew Carey Greenhalgh
- Comics and Memory in Latin America, edited by Jorge Catalá Carrasco, Paulo Drinot, and James Scorer
Reviewed by George Cole
- Mexican Costumbrismo: Race, Society, and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Art, by Mey-Yen Moriuchi
Reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon
- The Supernatural Sublime: The Wondrous Ineffability of the Everyday in Films from Mexico and Spain, by Raúl Rodríguez-Hernández and Claudia Schaefer
Reviewed by Matthew Carey Greenhalgh
- The Heart of the Mission: Latino Arts and Politics in San Francisco, by Cary Cordova
Reviewed by Allison L. Glover
- Thinking about Music from Latin America: Issues and Questions, edited by Jan Pablo González, translated by Nancy Morris
Reviewed by Christine Fernández
Volume 38, 2020
- YouTube Kitsch and the Racial Politics of Taste in the Andes: The Case of Delfin Quishpe
by Ignacio Aguilo
- La Palmada en la Frente (1970): Political Cartoon, the Global Sixties, and Popular Culture in Chile
by Matias Hermosilla
- Politicians on Campaign: Cristina Fernández’s Visual and Discursive Strategies of Persuasion in the Parliamentary Election of 2017
by Hugo Hortiguera and Mara Favoretto
- Breaking the Middle East Media Paradigm: HispanTV Streaming Politics in Spanish from Iran
by Mauricio Duarte and Ángela M. González-Echeverry
- Tiburcio González Rojas: Photographic Avatars of Modern Paraguay
by David William Foster
- De héroe a superhéroe: Encantos y desencantos del milagro económico chileno en El reemplazante
by Maria del Carmen Caña Jiménez
- Un amigo americano: Lincoln Kirstein en Argentina en los años de la politica del Buen Vecino
by Andrea Matallana
- Música popular y resistencia politica en Venezuela (2002-2018)
by Patricia Valladares-Ruiz
- Kurt Hollander’s Joyous Life and the Architecture of Sex
Interviewed by Howard Campbell
Book Reviews and Review Essays
- Afro-Paradise: Blackness, Violence, and Performance in Brazil, by Christen A. Smith
Reviewed by Danielle Stewart
- Escape to Miami: An Oral History of the Cuban Rafter Crisis, by Elizabeth Campisi
Reviewed by Lorena Cuya Gavilano
- Aztlán: Essays on the Chicano Homeland, edited by Rudolfo Anaya, Francisco A. Lomelí, and Enrique R. Lamadrid
Reviewed by Rolando J. Diaz
- The Yorúbá God of Drumming: Transatlantic Perspectives on the Wood that Talks, edited by Amanda Villepastour
Reviewed by George Cole
- Lalo Alcaraz: Political Cartooning in the Latino Community, by Héctor D. Fernández L’Hoeste
Reviewed by Jovana Pinedo Gómez