• Journals
  • Studies in Latin American Popular Culture

Journal Information

  • ISSN: 0730-9139


ANNUAL · 6 x 9 · 224 PAGES/ISSUE · ISSN 0730-9139 · E-ISSN 2157-2941

Melissa A. Fitch, Editor

Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, an annual interdisciplinary journal, publishes articles, review essays, and interviews on diverse aspects of popular culture in Latin America. Articles are written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Recent Issues

Volume 42, 2024


Punk, Planetarity, and the Wages of Neocolonial Globalization
by Maxwell Woods

Raudal y pervivencia del corrido mexicano
by Juan Carlos Ramírez-Pimienta

Rock y Malvinas: Dos álbumes argentinos clave de 1982, Kamikaze de Luis Alberto Spinetta y Yendo de la cama al living de Charly García
by Mara Favoretto

“Una victoria para el Uruguay como país”: Style, National Identity, and Intercultural Encounter at the 1924 Olympic Football Tournament
by Will Huddleston

Camaleón cultural: La construcción discursiva, musical y performativa “chola” en la artista peruana Ruby Palomino
by Sandra Bernal Heredia

“The Many Faces and Shades of Blackness”: Race, Class, and Geography in Early Twenty-First Century Telenovela Representations
by Asligul Berktay

The Murder of a Pawnbroker and the Gentlemen’s Duel
by Roberto Sánchez

Tensiones raciales y visuales en el trópico colombiano: Discografías de orquestas sabaneras Pedro Laza y sus pelayeros y La Sonora Cordobesa
by Ana Cecilia Calle

Soundscapes of Tango: Criollismo, the Dissonances of Modernity, and Peronism
by Michael Scham


Volume 41, 2023


Transmisión y reactivación del legado de Victor Jara y la Unidad Popular en un festival político en Gales
by Ignacio Rivera-Volosky

¡Nakíssimo! Transnational Identities, Cultural Tourism, and the Aesthetics of Consumption in NaCo Clothing
by Andrew Gordus

Y si quieres saber de mi pasando y La casa azul: Imaginacíon y sensibilidad surrealista en Chavela Vargas
by Sofia Ruiz-Alfaro

Fonógrafos ambulantes en tiempos de don Porfirio: Hacia una historia popular de los sonidos (Ciudad de México, 1894–1903)
by Jaddiel Diaz Frene

Cocinando las alegrías: Imagen y discurso en Bizarre Foods America
by Kristell Andrea Villarreal Benítez

Suspenso en el noticiero: Representación de la guerrilla en Canal 10 Córdoba, Argentina, 1970-1977
by Cynthia Tompkins

The Desert as Junkyard: The Perils of Proximity in the Documentary Deadly Metal and Two Novels Concerning the Cobalt 60 Accident in Ciudad Juarez
by Martin Camps

Feminist Performance as Challenging Voice-Body Regimentation
by Laura Jordán González

Book Reviews and Review Essays

Fictions of Migration: Narratives of Displacement in Peru and Bolivia, by Lorena Cuya Gavilano
reviewed by Jose Eduardo Cornelio

Pablo Escobar and Colombian Narcoculture, by Aldona Bialowas Pobutsky
reviewed by Lúcia Flórido

Discursos e identidades en la ficción romántica: Visiones anaglófonas de Madeira y Canarias/Discourses and Identities in Romance Fiction: Angolophone Visions from Madeira and the Canaries, edited by María Isabel González Cruz
reviewed by María Cecilia Saenz-Roby

Pedro Lemebel, belleza indómita, edited by Luciano Martínez
reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon

Volume 40, 2022


“Times of Extreme Broadcasting”: Argentine Socialism and Mass Culture during the Rise of Commercial Radio (1920-1945)
by Javier Guiamet

“Cuando yo quiera has de volver”: Configuraciones de masculinidad y feminidad en las canciones de Juan Gabriel para Rocío Dúrcal
by Julio Uribe Ugalde

Body as Text: Challenging Marginalized Identities through Literary Performance in Contemporary Brazilian Saraus
by Annie Gibson

Old Gringo y la frontera filmica de Carlos Fuentes
by Marcos Pico Rentería

También la lluvia y Altiplano: Trauma transgeneracional y renegociación histórica en un contexto transcultural
by Lucía Garvito

Suspenso en el noticiero: Representación de la guerrilla en Canal 10 Córdoba, Argentina, 1970-1977
by Cynthia Tompkins

La perpetuación de la problemática racial con el uso del romance interracial como intertexto metafórico entre la novela Sab y la telenovela La esclava blanca
by Valérie Benoist

The Tyrannical Mother in Mexican Telenovelas
by Julie Tate

El juego de la vida, o cómo Televisa imaginó la pasión femenina por el futbol mexicano
by Alejandro González Landeros

Book Reviews and Review Essays

¡Una historia temprana del crimen organizado en los corridos de Ciudad Juárez, by Juan Carlos Ramírez-Pimienta
reviewed by Martin Mulligan

A History of Boxing in Mexico: Masculinity, Modernity and Nationalism, by Stephen D. Allen
reviewed by Daniel J. Nappo

Narcotransmisiones: Neoliberalismo e hiperconsumo en la era del #narcopop, edited by Danilo Santos, Ainhoa Vásquez, and Ingrid Urgelles
reviewed by Catalina Gallardo Arenas

Cultural Nationalism and Ethnic Music in Latin America, edited by William H. Beezley
reviewed by Christine J. Fernández

In Search of the Sacred Book: Religion and the Contemporary Latin American Novel, by Aníbal González
reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon

Portraits in the Andes: Photography and Agency 1900-1950, by Jorge Coronado
reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon


Volume 39, 2021


Zombies as Temporal Critique: Sudor frío (2010) and Generations of Youth in Post-dictatorship Argentina
by Charles St-Georges

Glope, não!”: Twenty-First-Century Brazilian Songs of Protest
by Ligia Bezerra

Cuerpo, memoria y empatía: Procesos de creación colectiva en torno a la figura de Violeta Parra
by M Paz Brozas y Miguel Vicente

Ex-voto: Folk, Outsider, Transnational—Debating Definitions
by Lorella Di Gregorio

Gendered Figure Lighting, Artifice, and Realism in Rosaura a las diez
by Matt Losada

Víctor Gaviria’s Mujer del animal and the Banality of Violence against Women
by Aldona Bialowas Pobutsky

Contigo en la distancia: Colombia, Galicias y el necocio narco entre la realidad y la ficcíon; entre el humor y el dramatismo
by Sabrina S. Laroussi

La realidad que triunfa sobre la forma: La novela negra en Mario Mendoza, Lady Masacre
by Adriana Sara Jastrzebska

White Subjectivity and Black Nationalism in José Muñoz and Carlos Sampayo’s Alack Sinner Comic “Vietblues” (1975)
by Christopher Conway

Book Reviews and Review Essays

¡Destape! Sex, Democracy, and Freedom in Postdictorial Agrentina, by Natalia Milanesio
reviewed by Maria Cecilia Saenz-Roby

Hollywood in Havanna: US Cinema and Revolutionary Nationalism in Cuba before 1959, by Megan Feeney
reviewed by Matthew Carey Greenhalgh

Comics and Memory in Latin America, edited by Jorge Catalá Carrasco, Paulo Drinot, and James Scorer
reviewed by George Cole

Mexican Costumbrismo: Race, Society, and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Art, by Mey-Yen Moriuchi
reviewed by Nathan J. Gordon

The Supernatural Sublime: The Wondrous Ineffability of the Everyday in Films from Mexico and Spain, by Raúl Rodríguez-Hernández and Claudia Schaefer
reviewed by Matthew Carey Greenhalgh

The Heart of the Mission: Latino Arts and Politics in San Francisco, by Cary Cordova
reviewed by Allison L. Glover

Thinking about Music from Latin America: Issues and Questions, edited by Jan Pablo González, translated by Nancy Morris
reviewed by Christine Fernández


Submissions and Reviews

Studies in Latin American Popular Culture invites you to submit scholarly articles, book review essays, and interviews on the theory and practice of popular culture in Latin America. Articles should not exceed thirty-five double-spaced pages (including illustrations, charts, and graphs), should be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and should follow the latest edition of the Modern Language Association guidelines or the Chicago Manual of Style (el estilo Chicago es parecido al estilo Harvard en su formato, que incluye nombre, año y página dentro de paréntesis). If there is any inconsistency in the use of one or the other style, the essay will not be published in SLAPC. Authors are asked not to rely exclusively on online bibliographic tools such as RefWorks or Google Scholar to generate the “Works Cited” in either style, as we have found them to contain errors. All essays must be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words in English that concisely discusses the content and scope of the study and highlights all major findings. Extensive endnotes and footnotes are discouraged. Submissions should be sent by email to mfitch@email.arizona.edu in a Word-compatible attachment. In the body of the main message, authors should include the title of their manuscript, institutional affiliation, home and work address. The author’s name should not appear in the header or footer of the attachment.

Illustrations are welcome. Photographs and other images may be submitted as they are, or as high-resolution electronic files (e.g., TIFF, JPEG, PNG, etc.; not embedded into a Word document). Please provide captions that briefly describe content and source. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to use copyrighted or privately owned images, song lyrics, poetry, or other third-party material. Identify illustrations by Figure (1, 2, 3 . . .) at the head of the accompanying caption and in the text, and indicate in the text your preferred location for each figure, e.g., “Figure 1 about here.”

Submit Manuscripts to:

Melissa A. Fitch, Editor

Manuscripts must not be submitted elsewhere while being reviewed by the journal’s editorial board and outside readers.

Editorial Policy
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, an annual interdisciplinary journal, publishes articles, review essays, and interviews on diverse aspects of popular culture in Latin America. Since its inception in 1982, the journal has defined popular culture broadly as “some aspect of culture which is accepted by or consumed by significant numbers of people.” This definition has had one caveat: it does not normally include what is frequently called folk culture or folklore. Within these parameters, submissions are welcome on any aspect of the production, circulation, and consumption of cultural goods in Latin America from any disciplinary perspective.

In addition, the journal seeks essays that offer new methodological and theoretical approaches to the subject; explore the impact of modernization and globalization on Latin American cultural practices; discuss the implications of cultural hybridity; examine popular culture as a site of contention over social meanings and relations of power in cultural practices; and study relations between sociopolitical phenomena and cultural expression. SLAPC will generally not accept theoretical essays that do not have an empirical ground or essays that engage in close reading of individual texts, unless the analysis has broader theoretical or methodological implications. The essays should be written in a lively, reader-friendly manner. Over specialized and discipline-specific terminology is discouraged.

One section of the journal is devoted to book review essays, which both critically review a given corpus of books and reflect on their larger significance for the study of popular culture, including future research possibilities. The journal also publishes interviews with those involved in the creation, distribution, and consumption of popular culture.

Articles may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Book Review Guidelines
Reviews should be in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or equivalent. Font size should be set at twelve and the line spacing should be at least 18 points. While this is the preferred format for review copy, other formats will be accepted as noted in the “Instructions to Contributors.” If at all possible, book review copy should be sent as an email attachment to: pobutsky@oakland.edu. Reviews should be more critically focused than simply a commentary on the book and should draw the reader’s attention on how the book fits into scholarship dealing with popular culture and current theories and practices. Reviews of single books should be no longer than 800 words. Review essays should integrate the books reviewed into a coherent theme driven by the content of the book and should be about 800 words per book (e.g., three books would result in an essay of some 2400 words) including introductory and concluding comments.

Those interested in serving as future book reviewers should send a short vita statement. This statement should focus on the area of popular culture scholarship where the reviewer wishes to provide reviews. It is critical that you include an email address in your statement. It is our desire to establish a pool of interested reviewers so that we can provide our readers with a variety of views and a geographic distribution of reviewers reflective of the SLAPC readership.

Publishers wishing to have books reviewed should send only those titles that fit into the framework established in the “Editorial Policy.”

Submit review copies of print publications to:

Aldona Pobutsky, Book Review Editor
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
407 Wilson Hall
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4401



Articles appearing in SLAPC are abstracted or indexed in America: History and Life, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Communication Abstracts, Contents of Periodicals on Latin America, Current Contents/Arts and Humantities, Hispanic American Periodical Index, Historical Abstracts, IBR (International Bibliography of Book Reviews), IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature)MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures, Revista Interamericana de Bibliografia/Inter-American Review of Bibliography.


Published Annually in June

Advertising Rates
Full Page: $300.00
Half Page Horizontal: $250.00
Agency Commission: 15%

Mechanical Requirements
Full Page: 4.5 x 7.5 in.
Half Page: 4.5 x 3.75 in.
Trim Size: 6 x 9 in.
Halftones: 300 dpi


Issue Reservations Artwork
June March 15 April 1

Acceptance Policy

All advertisements are limited to material of scholarly interest to our readers. If any advertisement is inappropriate, we reserve the right to decline it.


  • All copy is subject to editorial approval.
  • Publisher’s liability for error will not exceed cost of space reserved.
  • If requested, all artwork will be returned to advertiser.
  • Invoices and tear sheets will be issued shortly after journal publication.
  • We prefer to have ads as Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

These files can be e-mailed directly to cfarmer@utpress.utexas.edu.