• Journals
  • Journal of Latin American Geography

Journal Information

  • ISSN: 1545-2476


TRIANNUAL · 7 x 10 · 150 PAGES/ISSUE · ISSN 1545-2476 · E-ISSN 1548-5811

Martha Bell and Jessica Budds, Editors

The Journal of Latin American Geography (JLAG) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original geographical and interdisciplinary scholarship on Latin America and the Caribbean and the diaspora from this region. It invites theoretically robust, empirically rich, and/or policy relevant research from across human and environmental geography. The journal accepts manuscripts in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, in order to bring the region's best scholarship to the broadest possible audience.

JLAG is an independent and not-for-profit journal published by the Conference of Latin American Geography (CLAG), which was established in 1970 to foster geographic education and research on Latin America through publications, conferences, and travel grants. The journal publishes three issues per year, hosted online by Project Muse, and distributed in print by the University of Texas Press.

Follow @jlatamgeog.bsky.social  on Bluesky.


Journal of Latin American Geography (JLAG) es una publicación revisada por pares, que publica estudios geográficos e interdisciplinarios originales sobre América Latina y el Caribe, y la diáspora de esta región. La revista invita a la presentación de trabajos de investigación teóricamente sólidos, empíricamente ricos y/o relevantes para la formulación de políticas en el ámbito de la geografía humana y ambiental. La revista acepta manuscritos en inglés, español y portugués, con el fin de hacer llegar los mejores estudios de la región a un público lo más amplio posible.

JLAG es una revista independiente y sin fines de lucro, publicada por la Conferencia de Geografía Latinoamericana (CLAG por sus siglas en inglés), creada en 1970, para fomentar la educación y la investigación geográfica sobre América Latina a través de publicaciones, conferencias y becas de viaje. La revista publica tres números al año, recopilados en línea por Project Muse, y distribuidos en su versión impresa por la University of Texas Press.

Siga a @jlatamgeog.bsky.social en Bluesky.



A Journal of Latin American Geography (JLAG) é uma revista científica que publica estudos originais e interdisciplinares sobre a geografia da América Latina, Caribe e suas diásporas. A revista utiliza o processo de revisão por pares e convoca pesquisas teoricamente robustas, empiricamente ricas e/ou relevantes para políticas públicas em geografia humana e ambiental. Aceitam-se manuscritos em português, espanhol e inglês, com o objetivo de tornar o melhor conhecimento produzido na região o mais acessível possível.

A JLAG é uma revista independente e sem fins lucrativos publicada pela Conferência de Geografia Latino Americana (CLAG, em inglês). A CLAG foi criada em 1970 para promover a educação geográfica e a pesquisa sobre a América Latina através de publicações, conferências e bolsas de viagem. A periodicidade de publicação da JLAG é quadrimestral e suas edições podem ser encontradas online no Project Muse ou em versão impressa, na editora University of Texas Press.

Siga a JLAG no Bluesky: @jlatamgeog.bsky.social

Recent Issues

Volume 23, Issue 3, 2024

Guest Editorial

Leaks: The Politics of Awkward Circulations in Latin America’s Geographies of Energy Production
by Penelope Anthias, Maria Cariola, Stine Kroijer, Mattias Borg Rasmussen

Fugas: la politica de la circulaci6n inc6moda en las geografias de producci6n de energia en America Latina
by Penelope Anthias, Maria Cariola, Stine Kroijer, Mattias Borg Rasmussen

Vazamentos: a politica de circulacoes incomodas nas geografias de producao de energia da America Latina
by Penelope Anthias, Maria Cariola, Stine Kroijer, Mattias Borg Rasmussen


Corporatized Oikonomia: An Ethnography of a Coal Company’s Complaints Office
by Line Jespersgaard Jakobsen

Hydro-Social Becomings: Rescaling Energy Politics in the Shadows of Vaca Muerta, Argentina
by Mattias Borg Rasmussen, Maximiliano Navarrete

Vaca Muerta como territorio(s) en fricci6n: pueblo Mapuche e hidrocarburos al norte de la Patagonia argentina
by Melisa Cabrapan Duarte, Ana Spivak L’Hoste

Cuts, Flows, and Leaks: Enclaving Practices and Countertopographies at Bolivia’s Hydrocarbon-Conservation Frontier
by Penelope Anthias

Dying in the “Southern Macrozone”: Eventfulness and Externalities in Chile’s Wind Energy Rush
by Maria Cariola

Las luchas de las mujeres shuar en contextos extractivos: una ecologia politica feminista y comunitaria desde la Amazonia ecuatoriana
by Kati Álvarez, Gabriela Valdivia, Flora Lu

Afterlives of Oil: Leadership of Repair in Fluid Landscapes
by Stine Kroijer

JLAG Perspectives

Colonialism, Hurricanes, and Disaster Capitalism: The Case of Puerto Rico
by José Javier Hernández Ayala

Colonialismo, huracanes, y capitalismo del desastre: el caso de Puerto Rico
by José Javier Hernández Ayala

Volume 23, Issue 2, 2024

Guest Editorial

La politica (a)cientifica del presidente de Argentina Javier Milei
The (A)scientific Policy of Javier Milei, President of Argentina


Biocultural Landscapes and the Scalability of Biocultural Heritage
by Cloe Xochitl Pérez-Valladares, Berenice Farfán-Heredia

Uso comum, terra comum, conflitos comuns: sobre terras de uso comum e a questao agraria
by Gustavo F. Olesko

What Is a Batey? Origins and Trajectories of an Antillean Concept
by Julia Kieslinger, Raphael Dohardt, Silke Jansen, Stefan Kordel

Cincuenta afios de desplazamiento forzado interno indígena en Chiapas, México. De conflictos político-religiosos a conflictos entre cárteles
by America A. Navarro-Lopez

JLAG Perspectives

Building a Global Agenda for Water Security with Insights from Social Infrastructures in Latin America
by Amber Wutich

UNBC-Rights Action Experiential Learning in Guatemala 2023: ArcGIS StoryMap on the Global Order, Injustice, and Resistance in Guatemala
by Catherine Nolin, Mikhaila Carr, Morgan Crosby, Will Hanlon, Cyan LeMoal, Jakob Ostberg, Mackenzie Ostberg, Olivia Pavan, August Reed, Caroline Scott, Tyler Slaney, Aine Stephen-Conlan

Marafi6n, the River that Feels: Kukama Indigenous Women Leading the Way in the Struggle Against Environmental Injustices in the
Peruvian Amazon
by Mirella Pretell Gamero

Book Review Forum

Subterranean Matters: Cooperative Mining and Resource Nationalism in Plurinational Bolivia, by Andrea Marston
Introduction by Matthew Himley
Reviews by Zoe Pearson, Adrienne Johnson, Gisselle Vila Benites, Aaron Malone, Gabriela Valdivia, Joel E. Correia
Response by Andrea Marston

Volume 23, Issue 1, 2024


Widening Latin American Geography /Ampliando a geografia latinoamericana/
Ampliando la geografía latinoamericana
by Martha G. Bell, Jessica Budds, Gabriela Valdivia, John C. Finn, Jörn Seemann, Eugenio Arima


Una propuesta de categorización en la elaboración participativa de mapas: cuatro estudios de caso en Colombia
by Myriam Susana Barrera Lobatón

“Dying of Thirst, Like Fish in the Sea”: Syndemic Health Impacts and Environmental Risk Perceptions Associated with Mining among the Ch’orti’ of Eastern Guatemala
by Meghan Albritton, Korine Kolivras, Benjamín Chang, Nicholas Copeland, Guadalupe García Prado, Leigh-Anne Krometis

Posverdad: Geographies of Post-Truth in Latin America
by Barney Warf

Increased Family and Child Migration to the United States from Latin America and the Caribbean: The Paradox of Protecting Children’s Rights
by Brad D. Jokisch, Sarah A. Blue

JLAG Perspectives

Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, geografia como verbo: paixão da terra que, pelos “de baixo”, se faz território
by Rogério Haesbaert

Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, geografía como verbo: pasión de la tierra que, por los “de abajo”, se hace territorio
by Rogério Haesbaert [Traducción de Liza Gamero Paz]

Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, Geography as a Verb: Passion for the Land that, Through Those “From Below”, Becomes Territory
by Rogério Haesbaert [Translation by Marianne Arake, Jörn Seemann & Jessica Budds]

Vida, conocimiento y territorio: una geobiografía de Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves
by Laura Sarmiento [Traducción de Liza Gamero Paz]

Life, Knowledge and Territory: A Geobiography of Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves
Laura Sarmiento [Translation by Marianne Arake, Jörn Seemann &
Jessica Budds]


Volume 22, Issue 3, 2023


The Multi-Local Dynamics of the Pataxó in Horizonte, Brazil: Indigenous Relationships with the State, Economic Activities, and Family Networks
by Thiago Barbosa de Campos, Marden Barbosa de Campos, and Philipp Horn

Disputas Discursivas en torno al desarrollo sostenible de los océanos: la Pesca de arrastre de camarón en Costa Rica
by Alexa Obando-Campos and Sara Latorre

Producción desigual del espacio y sus implicaciones en la Zona Metropolitana de Querétaro, México: fragmentación, kispersión y (auto)segregación urbana
by María Fernanda MacGregor Gaona

Recogitating the Heinz Brucher Story: A Nazi Biologist in the Crosshairs of History
by Daniel W. Gade

JLAG Perspectives

Notes on Climate, Late Neoliberalism and the Hydropolitics of Crisis in Chile
by Luis Andueza

Reforming Water Governance in Chile: Hydrosocial Relations Perspective
by Jessica Budds and Kathleen O’Reilly

Los ríos como territorio en disputa: hacia un enfoque relacional del agua en Chile
by Elizabeth Macpherson, Pía Weber Salazar, and Paulo Urrutia Barceló

Challenges for Local Water Governance in Central-Southern Chile: Insights from the Biobío, La Araucanía, and Los Río Regions
by Juliane Dame and Johanna Hohl

Book Review Forum

Palm Oil Diaspora: Afro-Brazilian Landscapes and Economies on Bahia’s Dende Coast, by Case Watkins
introduction by Karl Offen
reviews by Vanessa Castañeda, Nia Cambridge, Martha G. Bell, and Samira Peruchi Moretto
response by Case Watkins


Volume 22, Issue 2, 2023


Las dimensiones ontoepistemológicas de la minería aurífera ancestral en Colombia: evidencias del Resguardo Indígenia Cañamomo y Lomaprieta
by Steven Mons

Más que Una Porción: Framing the Persistence of Land Inequality on the Urbanizing Texas-Tamaulipas Border through Shifting Resources and the Colonial Cadaster
by Andrew Hilburn and Alison Hadley

Urban, Housing, and Population Dynamics of the Inner and Former Peripheries of Buenos Aires
by María Mercedes Di Virgilio and Lucas Ramírez

The Effects of International Retirement Migration on Indigenous Communities: Empirical Insights from Cotacachi, Ecuador
by Marcelo Crespo, Alexander Follmann, Carsten Butsch, and Peter Dannenberg

Cartographies no contexto do COVID 19 no Brasil
by Renato Emerson Nascimento dos Santos

JLAG em Tradução

Cartographies in the Context of COVID 19 in Brazil
by Renato Emerson Nascimento dos Santos

JLAG Perspectives

Small-Scale Food Production in the Pandemic: Perspectives from Mexico and Guatemala
by Jake W. Dean, Anika M. Rice, and Linda M. Choi

Cimarronaje urbano: la solidaridad communitaria en tiempos de inundación y desastre de estado en Esmeraldas, Ecuador
by Andrea Castillo Sinisterra and Gabriela Valdivia

Volume 22, Issue 1, 2023


Resignation and Resistance: How do Undocumented Central American Migrants View Detention in Mexico?
by Alejandra Díaz de León

Reclaiming Cueca: The Brava Tradition and Imagined Identities Among Santiago’s Cuequeros
by Alexa Torres Skillicorn and Rebecca Maria Torres

Un monocultivo de frontera: historia de la palma africana como proyecto de modernidad capitalista en el sur de México (1948-2018)
by Antonio Castellanos Navarrete

Development and Validation of  Household Water Insecurity Scale for Northeast Brazil
by Wendy Jepson, Paula Tomaz, Household Water Insecurity Experiences Consortium

Singularities and Similarities of Amazonia’s Small Towns: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Categorizations and Typologies of the Amazon Estuary-Delta Region
by Monique Bruna Silva do Carmo, Sandra Maria Fonseca da Costa, and Eduardo S. Brondizio

JLAG Perspectives

Contracartografía de las movilizaciones sociales y de la violencia estatal en Perú: una reflexión metodológica
by Grupo de investigación y acción territorial Contingente

Following the Water Uphill? The Spread of Blueberry Cultivation to the Mountains of Áncash, Peru
by Martha G. Bell, Karl S. Zimmerer, Odolin Saturnino Rodriguez Tínoco

Volume 21, Issue 3, 2022

Special Issue: Infrastructure and Latin American Environmental Geographies

Infrastructure and Latin American Environmental Geographies: An Introduction to our Special Issue
by Jessica Hope and Murat Arsel

Infrastructure in Brazil: From Marketization to Emancipation
by Deborah Werner, Fabio Lucas Pimentel de Oliveira

Hydroelectric Extractivism: Infrastructural Violence and Coloniality in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, Mexico
by Erik Post

Toward a Reconfiguration of Mining Infrastructure in Mexico: Norms, Resistance, and Governance
by Valeria Guarneros-Meza and Marcela Torres-Wong

Linkages of Suspended Infrastructure, Contestation, and Social-Environmental Uneveness: Colombia’s Tolima Triangle Irrigation Megaproject
by Megan Dwyer Baumann and Karl S. Zimmerer

Producing Citizenship Through Infrastructure: The Political Materiality of Water Access in Urban Chile
by Melissa Bayer

Critiquing Sustainable Development as Materially Constituted: Infrastructure, Political Ecology, and Political Ontology in the Amazon
by Jessica C. Hope

Volume 21, Issue 2, 2022


Revolutionary Insurgents or Conservative Reactionaries? National Liberation Army’s Transnational Expansion in Colombia and Venezuela
by Juan D. Rojas and Olivier J. Walther

Narrativas de vida espaciales en el contexto de la Covid-19: reflexionesdesde la ruralidad ecuatoriana
by Estefania P. Palacios, Diana V. López, and Dayanara A. Delgado

Prácticas alimentarias y patrones de compra de los consumidores que se abastecen en circuitos alternativos de comercialización en Quito
by Sara Latorre, Gabriel April-Lalonde, Myriam Paredes, and Fabián Muñoz

Regional and Urban Development Under the Signs of Globalization: The Soybean Complex and the City of Agribusiness in Mato Grosso
by Martin Coy, Felix M. Dorn, Christoph Huber, and Tobias Topfer

Transport Infrastructure and Cross-Border Connectivity Indices in Border Cities: The Case of Southern Brazil
by Fernando Seabra, Thaís Patrício, Martina M. Bauer, Larissa Gheller, and Julia Saint Martin

Ver, cuestionar y habitar paisajes en América Latina
by Carol A. Ruiz-Barajas

Oír música es oír un territorio: Chango Spasiuk entre chamamés, plcas y sonidos de la tierra colorada
by Agustín Arosteguy

JLAG Perspectives

A exibição de antipolíticas indígenas e ambientais orquestrada pelo governo brasileiro de Bolsonaro
by Luciene Cristina Risso and Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho

JLAG em Tradução

Bolsonaro’s Anti-Indigenous and Anti-Environmental Policies in Brazil
by Luciene Cristina Risso and Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho, translated by Liz Mason-Deese

Volume 21, Issue 1, 2022


Contradicciones del culto a Añá: un espacio de exclusión femenina religiosa
by Lázaro Julio Leiva Hoyo, Graciela González Olmedo, and Annia Martínez Massip

Situating in Place Indigenous Engagements in Capitalist Market
by Carola Ramos-Cortez and Timothy MacNeill

Cartografías en la formación de actores políticos: ONGs en procesos de demarcación de tierras indígenas y criollas en el norte argentino
by Natalia Castelnuovo Biraben

Socioeconomic Determinants of Homegardening in the Southeast of Mexico: An Endowments-Based Livelihoods Framework
by Jennifer Castañeda-Navarrete

The Pastoral City-State: A Metaphor for the Geography of Uruguay
by Samuel T. Brandt

Transcultural Place-Making in Little Havana
by Taylor Fox and Mark H. Palmer

JLAG Perspectives

Geographical Implications of Brazil’s Emerging Green Hydrogen Sector
by Christian Brannstrom and Adryane Gorayeb

Volume 20, Issue 3, 2021


Post-Conflict Territorialization in Three Dimensions: Volumetric Struggles in Post-Peace Agreement Colombia
by Daniela Mosquera-Camacho and Andrea Marston

Conservation in the Frontier: Negotiating Ownerships of Nature at the Southern Mexican Border
by Hanna Laak and Edith Kauffer

Indigenous Autonomy and Territorial Practices: Constructing Indigenous-State Relations in the Peruvian Amazon
by Carola Ramos Cortez and Timothy MacNeill

“No Hay Revolución Sin Canciones”: State, Revolution, and Music in Chile and Cuba
by Jonah Durrant Olsen

Lifestyle Migration on the Southern Jalisco Coast: Sustainability and Cosmopolitanism in Community-led Development
by Jennifer Cardinal

The Paradox of Culturally Useful Invasive Species: Southern Cattail (Typha domingenis) Crafts of Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico
by Guadalupe Maldonado and Robert Voeks

JLAG Perspectives

Cuba, protestos e caminhos da revlução
by Joana Salém Vasconcelos

The Environmental Violence of Soy Cultivation in the Brazilian Amazon
by Marcos Colón

JLAG Tradução

Cuba, Protests and Paths of Revolution
by Joana Salém Vasconcelos and Liz Manson-Deese

Volume 20, Issue 2, 2021

Editorial: Institutional Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Geographers in/of Latin America


Pandemia y autonomía indígenia: territorialización del cuidado en la Amazonia ecuatoriana
by Julían García Labrador

Los paisajes posibles: en animación suspendida, corporativos y del desastre. Chile y Argentina como ejemplos de estudio
by Carolina G. Ojeda Leal

Negociando consentimiento y derechos indígenas: geografías legales de la framentación en territorio Mapuche-Williche, Futawillimapu, Chile
by Sarah Hurley Kelly, Felipe Guerra-Schleef, and José Miguel Valdés-Negroni

Project and Territory: Salmon Farming and Social Transfromations in the Island of Chiloé, Chile
by Beatriz Bustos-Gallardo, Gonzalo Delamaza, and Ricardo Rivas

Rethinking Climate Governance: Amazonian Indigenous Climate Politics and Integral Territorial Ontologies
by Sylvia Cifuentes

JLAG Perspectives

Cuerpos, fronteras y resistencia: mujeres conjurando geografia a través de experiencias desde el otro lado del muro
by Geobrujas-Communidad de Geógrafas

JLAG en Traducción

Bodies, Border, and Resistance: Women Conjuring Geography through Experiences from the Other Side of the Wall
by Geobrujas-Communidad de Geógrafas, translated by Liz Mason-Deese



JLAG invites submissions in English, Spanish or Portuguese of research articles, proposals for special issues, JLAG Perspectives and Retrospectives, book reviews, and cover art.

Guidelines for submission may be found by visiting the JLAG website. All submissions are via JLAG’s Digital Commons platform.

Download the style guide.



JLAG invita los siguientes tipos de artículo en español, inglés, o portugués: artículos de investigación, propuestas de números especiales, Perspectivas JLAG y Retrospectivas JLAG, reseñas de libros, y arte de portada.

Mayores informaciones están disponible en la página web de JLAG. Todos los artículos y otros elementos mencionados se envían a través de la plataforma de Digital Commons de JLAG.

Descargue el Guía de Estilo.


A JLAG convida a submissão dos seguintes tipos de artigo em português, inglês ou espanhol: artigos de pesquisa, propostas de edições especiais, Perspectivas da JLAG e Retrospectivas da JLAG, resenhas de livros, e arte da capa.

As diretrizes para as submissões se encontram no website da JLAG. Os artigos e as outras contribuições devem ser submetidas através da plataforma Digital Commons da JLAG.

Baixe as Normas para Publicação.




Subscription for individuals and institutions is complimentary with membership of CLAG, or available through University of Texas Press.


La suscripción para personas individuales e instituciones es gratuita con la membresía de CLAG, o está disponible a través de la University of Texas Press.


A assinatura para pessoa física ou jurídica é gratuita com a adesão à CLAG ou disponível através da University of Texas Press.



Book Reviews

Book Review Editor / Editor de reseñas de libros / Editor de resenhas de livros

Jörn Seemann
Ball State University
Department of Geography and Meteorology
Cooper Science Building, Room CP 204N
Muncie, IN 47306


Published Triannually

Advertising Rates
Full Page: $300.00
Half Page Horizontal: $250.00
Agency Commission: 15%

Mechanical Requirements
Full Page: 5.25 x 7.5 in.
Half Page: 5.25 x 3.75 in.
Trim Size: 7 x 10 in.
Halftones: 300 dpi


Issue Reservations Artwork
March December 15 January 1
July April 15 May 1
October July 15 August 1

Acceptance Policy

All advertisements are limited to material of scholarly interest to our readers. If any advertisement is inappropriate, we reserve the right to decline it.


  • All copy is subject to editorial approval.
  • Publisher’s liability for error will not exceed cost of space reserved.
  • If requested, all artwork will be returned to advertiser.
  • Invoices and tear sheets will be issued shortly after journal publication.
  • We prefer to have ads as Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

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