Find journal articles and authors from recent issues of Journal of Latin American Geography below.
Volume 20, Issue 3, 2022
- Post-Conflict Territorialization in Three Dimensions: Volumetric Struggles in Post-Peace Agreement Colombia
by Daniela Mosquera-Camacho and Andrea Marston
- Conservation in the Frontier: Negotiating Ownerships of Nature at the Southern Mexican Border
by Hanna Laak and Edith Kauffer
- Indigenous Autonomy and Territorial Practices: Constructing Indigenous-State Relations in the Peruvian Amazon
by Carola Ramos Cortez and Timothy MacNeill
- “No Hay Revolución Sin Canciones”: State, Revolution, and Music in Chile and Cuba
by Jonah Durrant Olsen
- Lifestyle Migration on the Southern Jalisco Coast: Sustainability and Cosmopolitanism in Community-led Development
by Jennifer Cardinal
- The Paradox of Culturally Useful Invasive Species: Southern Cattail (Typha domingenis) Crafts of Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico
by Guadalupe Maldonado and Robert Voeks
JLAG Perspectives
- Cuba, protestos e caminhos da revlução
by Joana Salém Vasconcelos
- The Environmental Violence of Soy Cultivation in the Brazilian Amazon
by Marcos Colón
JLAG Tradução
- Cuba, Protests and Paths of Revolution
by Joana Salém Vasconcelos and Liz Manson-Deese
Volume 20, Issue 2, 2021
Editorial: Institutional Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Geographers in/of Latin America
- Pandemia y autonomía indígenia: territorialización del cuidado en la Amazonia ecuatoriana
by Julían García Labrador
- Los paisajes posibles: en animación suspendida, corporativos y del desastre. Chile y Argentina como ejemplos de estudio
by Carolina G. Ojeda Leal
- Negociando consentimiento y derechos indígenas: geografías legales de la framentación en territorio Mapuche-Williche, Futawillimapu, Chile
by Sarah Hurley Kelly, Felipe Guerra-Schleef, and José Miguel Valdés-Negroni
- Project and Territory: Salmon Farming and Social Transfromations in the Island of Chiloé, Chile
by Beatriz Bustos-Gallardo, Gonzalo Delamaza, and Ricardo Rivas
- Rethinking Climate Governance: Amazonian Indigenous Climate Politics and Integral Territorial Ontologies
by Sylvia Cifuentes
JLAG Perspectives
- Cuerpos, fronteras y resistencia: mujeres conjurando geografia a través de experiencias desde el otro lado del muro
by Geobrujas-Communidad de Geógrafas
JLAG en Traducción
- Bodies, Border, and Resistance: Women Conjuring Geography through Experiences from the Other Side of the Wall
by Geobrujas-Communidad de Geógrafas, translated by Liz Mason-Deese
Volume 20, Issue 1, 2021
Editorial: New Distances and Proximities in Teaching Geography of and in Latin America
- Mobility, Control, and the Pandemic Across the Americas: First Findings of a Transnational Collective Project
by Soledad Álvarez Velasco
- Mona, Mona, Mona! Topicality and the Imaginative Geographies of Whiteness in Colombia
by Sara Koopman
- Place-Based Politics, and the Role of Landscape in the Production of Mexico’s Disappeared
by Nicholas J. Crane and Oliver Hernández Lara
- Clusters of Violence in Mexico: An Analysis of Homicide Rates from 2000–2012
by María del Pilar Fuerte-Celis and María de los Dolores Sánchez-Castañeda
- Urban Erasure and the Making of Informal Activism: Rio de Janeiro through the Morro do Castelo
by Ana G. Ozaki
- Principales detonantes y efectos socioambientales del boom del aguacate en México
by Armonia Borrego and Teodoro Carlón Allende
- Underdeveloped Ecologies: Puerto Rico’s Forest Transition and the Cultivation of Colonial Authority
by Chris N. Lesser
- Impactos del cultivo de quinua en los territorios aymaras: transición de la producción pastoril a la producción agrícola moderna en el altiplano boliviano
by Carla V. Rodas Arano
JLAG Perspectives
- Ancianos amazónicos en la frontera petrolera: la vida y muerte de Nenkihui Bay, líder tradicional Waorani
by Danilo Borja, Juan Bay and Conny Davidsen, translated by Yulia Garcia Sarduy
- Migrant Protection Protocols and the Death of Asylum
by Austin Kocher
JLAG Retrospective
- Remnants Revisited: Guatemala’s Landscapes of Fear
by Rebecca Clouser