Corrie Herring Hooks Endowment

Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Animals of Big Bend

Cindi Sirois Collins, Asher Elbein, Julius Csotonyi

Armadillos to Ziziphus

David M. Hillis, Harry W. Greene

Polypores and Similar Fungi of Eastern and Central North America

Alan E. Bessette, Dianna Smith, Arleen R. Bessette

Mushrooms of the Gulf Coast States

Alan E. Bessette, Arleen R. Bessette, David P. Lewis

The Lizard Man Speaks

Eric R. Pianka

Before the Echo

Pete Dunne, Diana Marlinski

The Red-cockaded Woodpecker

Richard Conner, D. Craig Rudolph, Jeffrey R. Walters

Butterflies, Moths, and Other Invertebrates of Costa Rica

Carrol L. Henderson, Steve Adams, Daniel H. Janzen

Birds of Costa Rica

Carrol L. Henderson, Steve Adams, Alexander F. Skutch

Big River, Rio Grande

Laurence Parent, David Baxter, Andrew Sansom

Remarkable Plants of Texas

Matt Warnock Turner

Chasing Neotropical Birds

Bob Thornton, Vera Thornton

Peregrine Falcon

James H. Enderson, Robert Katona

Birds of Belize

H. Lee Jones, Dana Gardner

Naturally . . . South Texas

Roland H. Wauer, Mimi Hoppe Wolf

Birds of the Northwestern National Parks

Roland H. Wauer, Mimi Hoppe Wolf

Earth, Water, and Sky

Paul A. Johnsgard

Birds of the Trans-Pecos

Jim Peterson, Barry R. Zimmer, Victor Emanuel, Gail Diane Yovanovich

Antbirds and Ovenbirds

Alexander F. Skutch, Dana Gardner

Birds and Other Wildlife of South Central Texas

Edward A. Kutac, S. Christopher Caran

Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America

David W. Fischer, Alan E. Bessette

Bark Beetles in North American Conifers

Jeffry B. Mitton, Kareen B. Sturgeon

Bird Student

George Miksch Sutton