Announcing New Series called "Arts in Context: Critical Performance Infrastructures"

Announcing a New Series—Arts in Context: Critical Performance Infrastructures!

Edited by Charlotte Canning, Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, Michael Sy Uy, & Sarah Wilbur

Acquiring Editor Sarah McGavick

Arts in Context: Critical Performance Infrastructures seeks to make visible and to expand scholarship on the essential, yet often hidden, infrastructures that shape the performing arts. The series collects scholarship that reveals and interrogates the foundations on which performance depends—not only physical performance spaces, but also funding systems, arts education, local policies, and labor conditions. Centering human infrastructures, titles in this series advance understandings of the performing arts as intertwined professions, businesses, and institutions. They highlight debates about equity and engage shifts created by the pandemic and the datafication of the arts. The series editors invite projects on all performing arts, especially those that center the humanities, and projects that encompass a range of disciplines such as history, labor studies, policy studies, and economics. 

If you think this series is a good fit for your project, please contact Sarah McGavick ( or any of the series editors for more details about submitting a proposal. See also our Prospective Authors page for detailed guidelines for submission.