Chapter 1. Dreaming in Feminine: Grete Stern's Photomontages and the Parody of Psychoanalysis
Chapter 2. Annemarie Heinrich: Photography, Women's Bodies, and Semiotic Excess
Chapter 3. Woman, Prostitution, and Modernity in Fin-de-siècle Mexico
Chapter 4. Buenos Aires and Women in Crisis: The Photography of Silvina Frydlewsky
Chapter 5. Girls Will Be Girls: Daniela Rossell's Ricas y famosas
Chapter 6. Pedro Meyer: Constructing Masculinities, Constructing Photography
Chapter 7. Discovering the Male Body: Marcos Zimmermann's Desnudos sudamericanos
Chapter 8. Queering Gender in Graciela Iturbide's Juchitán de las mujeres
Chapter 9. Guille and Belinda: A Protolesbian Arcadian Romance
Chapter 10. Homosocialism \D Homoeroticism in the Photography of Marcos López
Chapter 11. Performing Masculine Heterosexuality in Stefan Ruiz's Photography of Mexican Soap Operas
Chapter 12. Helen Zout's Desapariciones: Shooting Death
Chapter 13. Documentary Photography as Gender Testimony: Daniel Hernández-Salazar's So That All Shall Know
Works Cited