List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
2. Framework: Knowledge production at Yutopian
3. Framework: Ambiguity and the lust for certitude
Project Context
4. Narrative: Project origins in a British steak dinner
5. Socio-politics: Finding Northwest Argentina
6. Narrative: Archaeologists and lugareños meet at Yutopian
7. Backstory: Chronology in Northwest Argentina
8. Argument: Ceramic sequences and social processes
9. Narrative: Why excavate at Yutopian?
10. Socio-politics: Should North American archaeologists dig in Argentina?
Starting to Dig
11. Argument: The positionality of practice
12. Episode: Digging test pits
13. Raw data: What the test pits told us
14. Narrative: The incredible Pozo de Prueba 18
15. Episode: Extending test pit excavations
16. Andean ways: Inadvertent human remains
17. Episode: Opening Estructura Uno
18. Raw data: Inventory of artifact counts and special finds from Units 300, 301 and 302
19. Narrative: Emotional moments
20. Andean ways: The rodeo
21. Argument: Excavation forms
Estructura Dos
22. Narrative: Coming and going
23. Episode: Expectations and excavations in Estructura Dos
24. Narrative: Los Hermanos
25. Raw data: Inventory of special finds from Estructura Dos
26. Narrative: Why was Estructura Dos disappointing?
27. Backstory: Why live in a semi-subterranean house?
Estructura Uno
28. Episode: Excavating Estructura Uno
29. Descriptive data: A tour of the occupation floor of Estructura Uno
30. Raw data: Inventory of special and general finds from Estructura Uno, Units 303–306
31. Major ambiguity: Metallurgy in the house?
32. Argument: How the gendered household works
33. Andean ways: Buy the cage and get the chicken
34. Episode: Analysis in the field
Estructura Tres
35. Narrative: Arrivals, decisions, decisions!
36. Backstory: Andean ethnobotany and flotation at Yutopian
37. Episode: Excavating Estructura Tres
38. Raw data: Inventory of special finds from Estructura Tres
39. Narrative: The peculiar pits of Estructura Tres
40. Andean ways: Honoring Pachamama
Interpreting Núcleo Uno
41. Episode: Exploring Núcleo Uno's shared patio
42. Descriptive data: The square feature in the round patio
43. Descriptive data: The entranceways of Núcleo Uno
44. Narrative: The life history of Núcleo Uno
45. Cooking data: Changing patterns of lithic consumption in Núcleo Uno: Chalcedony and obsidian
46. Narrative: How unique is Núcleo Uno at Yutopian?
47. Backstory: How unique is Núcleo Uno in the world?
Estructura Once and the Issue of Remodeling Houses
48. Episode: The call of Estructura Once
49. Andean ways: Eating quirquincho (armadillo)
50. Raw data: Diagnostic ceramics by level from Estructura Once
51. Descriptive data: Remodeling and repositioning the doorways
52. Narrative: What did we learn from Estructura Once?
53. Backstory: What about the saucer-shaped house floors?
54. Episode: Pozos de Prueba 12 and 12a
Estructura Cuatro
55. Episode: Opening up Estructura Cuatro (1996)
56. Data in two modalities: The tri-lobate hearth
57. Descriptive data: The hearth occupation level in Estructura Cuatro
58. Narrative: Last day fervor in Estructura Cuatro
59. Socio-politics: Good-byes
60. Episode: Estructura Cuatro excavations in 1998: The lower occupation
61. Raw data: Inventory of special finds from Estructura Cuatro
62. Descriptive data: The cache pit
63. Andean ways: Chañar drinks
Looking for Núcleo Dos
64. Narrative: Where was Estructura Cuatro's entranceway?
65. Episode: Searching for Cinco and Núcleo Dos
66. Raw Data: Inventory of special finds from Estructura Cinco
67. Narrative: Radical remodeling in Núcleo Dos
68. Argument: Ritual and quotidian
69. Narrative: A lab for all reasons
70. Socio-politics: Yutopian in the community
Understanding Yutopian as an Early Formative Settlement
71. Raw data: Comparative characteristics of Yutopian structures
72. Raw data: Radiocarbon chronology
73. Narrative: The Formative settlement at Yutopian
74. Backstory: Plazas and a "public"
75. Argument: Yutopian's boundaries and the site map
76. Socio-politics: Why Yutopian has so little Formative context
77. Narrative: Entranceway ideologies
78. Andean ways: Water management at Yutopian
Data from the Experts
79. Data from the experts: Agricultural practices at Yutopian (with Jack Rossen)
80. Data from the experts: Plants and diet, now and then (with Jack Rossen)
81. Data from the experts: Phytolith facts
82. Data from the experts: Faunal remains (with Andrés Izeta)
83. Data from the experts: Ceramic forms and designs (with M. Fabiana Bugliani)
84. Cooking data: Chalcedony and obsidian, part 2
85. Data: Stone tools from other angles
86. Data: Cross-mends and what they tell us
87. Data: Beads and spindle whorls
Cardonal by Comparison
88. Narrative: The "other" Early Formative site: Cardonal
89. Argument: Testing archaeology and its methods
90. Socio-politics: Traveling to Cardonal
91. Episode: A short field season testing Cardonal house structures
92. Raw data: Special finds from the 2004 Cardonal field season
93. Socio-politics: North-South collaborations in archaeology
94. Backstory: Grinding stones (conanas, cutanas, morteros) and the holes in them
95. Episode: Later work at Cardonal
96. Andean ways: Llama caravans and long-distance exchange
97. Narrative: Cardonal and Yutopian
Wrap-Ups and Postscripts
98. Wrap-up: Putting the project to bed
99. Postscript: Early Formative society: Where's the monumental?
100. Follow-through: References cited