Background Notes
Notes on the Book's Two Voices and Key Terms
People in Antonia's Life
Time Line of Key Events Mentioned in the Book
Map of Highland Chiapas
Part I. Becoming a Batz'i Antz (True Woman)
1. A Childhood Memory
2. Parents
3. Learning to Work
4. School
5. Making One's Soul Arrive
6. Listening to the Word of God
7. Courtship and Marriage
8. Learning to Be a Wife
9. Learning to Be a Mother
10. Learning to Manage a Household
11. Animals
12. Water
13. Working with Coffee
Part II. Contesting the Status Quo, Creating a Different World
1. The Time of Fire
2. 1997
3. International Encounters
4. Sons
5. Daughters
6. Daughters-in-Law and Grandchildren
7. Cargos
8. Cooperatives
9. Traveling
10. The International Folk Art Market
Part III. Gains and Losses, Lessons Learned
1. Envy
2. Suffering
3. A Difficult Trip
4. Faith and Love
5. Exodus
6. Death
7. Life So Far
Appendix A. Antonia's Words in Tzotzil, Spanish, and English
Appendix B. Life Histories from Chiapas and Other Places